If you rekindle a relationship with Ashley, but had a second relationship in Mass Effect 2, you must make a choice to rekindle the relationship early on in the hospital. Talk to Liara in her room after every mission. I have finished the game in ME3 and want to import this Shepard into a new game, will I still have the original finished ME3 save there to go back to? I hope this can edit hair, because the back of my latest Shepard's hair has been bothering me. We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. This is a great editor, you were just doing it wrong. The first time you board Normandy, imported characters can offer to rekindle the relationship. Plunges you into an all-out galactic war to take Earth back from a nearly unstoppable foe - and how you fight that war is entirely up to you.

its actualy a legit editor n works magic for me :), Save maleons research on Tuchunka will save eves life. :\, Man give the author some credit.if you dont like it, make a better one, if you cant (which im assuming), show some respect to someone who does this for no credit at all.

Talk to Cortez in the docking bay of the Citadel.